About Us
My History
During and after my school period I worked in bars in the south of Holland, and after eight years of working at a big copier company, I choose to start in hospitality again.
So I started my own bar in Den Bosch. I built up a thriving business over four years, but due to rules and regulations in Holland, my dream was over. I decided that I needed a new challenge, so I opened a restaurant in the same city, but again the rules dissapointed me.
I needed a new experience and it came on my path.
The Step
I went on a short holiday with my mother to Normandy, where the peace and quite affected me in a very calming way. I decided that I would move and start a B and B in Normandy after being back there for several times, to see if I had the same feeling all the time.
What Can I Offer?
Most of my guests come for peace and quite, the countryside is spectacular, you can walk and walk and see nothing but fields and animals.
You can hire bikes to ride through the beautiful countrysides or go fishing in several rivers (also at this place), trout to cook on the open BBQ at night.
I’m situated very close to the Normandy beaches and also close to Le Mont Saint Michel, the famous village in the sea.
This B and B is 30 kilometers from Blainville beach, famous for it’s oysters/shellfish.
In the whole area there are plenty golf courses, kayaking and mountain biking, next to all the French/Normandy culture and old beautiful buildings.