Welcome to Qui Vivra Verra. How to get here?
For drivers with GPS navigation, the coordinates to the parking lot of Qui Vivra Verra:

For those using the Pont du Normandy will have the option to save € 2.40 in tolls, because if you on the way so, then buy a return ticket for € 7.60. You get a coin for the return trip.
Breda-Antwerpen-Gent-Oostende-Calais-Rouen-Caen. There you take the pheripherique sud and take the exit St Lo / A84. On the A84, take exit 40, the N174 towards St Lo.
- In St LO take the D972 towards Coutances exit 6 Marigny Coutances
- After about 8 km take the exit Le Mesnil Amey.
- After the exit 1st right and then after 400 m the dead end to the left.
- Your vacation can begin!
Tourist route
- Den Bosch towards Tilburg n65
- Tilburg towards Breda highway A58.
- Breda towards Antwerp – Highway A16 / E19.
- Follow Ghent – Brussels highway E17 – Kennedy tunnel.
- After the Kennedy tunnel direction Ghent / St. Niklaas – highway E17.
- Direction Paris Kortrijk highway E17.
- Direction Lille – highway E17.
- After the border crossing direction Mouscron – Tourcoing highway E17 Paris / Lille.
- Ring road around Lille highway A1 direction Paris. Now you are on the A1 / E17.
- Exit No: 16 on the N50 direction Arras – Center (2 km from the ‘Gare de Péage).
- Follow the N50 towards Arras / Amiens.
- At Arras follow direction Amiens / Abbeville highway A17 / A26 / N17.
- Immediately take the exit Amiens / Abbeville follow road D260.
- 1st roundabout towards Amiens / Abbeville highway N25.
- 2nd roundabout Amiens / Abbeville highway N25.
- Take the Abbeville Highway N39 exit
- 1st roundabout at the end of road N39 follow Abbeville.
- 2nd roundabout, take the A28 towards Rouen.
- 94 km before Rouen is the resting place “Aire de Behen”.
- Follow this road until Rouen, then you only follow Caen.
- Go through the tunnel in Rouen follow the N28.
- This is an industrial area of Rouen with many traffic lights.
- At the roundabout with cows on it, follow D18E / Caen A13.
- Straight on at the next roundabout
- Follow the A13 exit towards Le Harve / Caen
- Follow direction ‘autoroute A13’ (péage) to Caen.
- At the A13 Gare de peage (Beuzeville) the costs: about 4.10 euros by cash, Mastercard or payable with Visa.
- At the A13 Gare de peage (Dozulé) costs: about 2.70 euros in cash, Mastercard or Visa.
- On the A13 follow Caen, Nord ring road Motorway towards Tilly sur Seulles / Balleroy.
- After Balleroy take the D572 towards St. Lo.
- In St LO take the D972 towards Coutances exit 6 Marigny Coutances
- After about 8 km take the exit Le Mesnil Amey.
- After the exit 1st right and then after 400 m the dead end to the left.
- Your vacation can begin!