
Mont Saint-Michel
Something you definitely should not miss is the unforgettable Mont Saint-Michel. This town is located about 85 km from us and is really worth the visit.
Mont Saint-Michel is one of the most famous sights in France and is on the UNESCO world heritage list.
D-Day Museums
For those interested in World War II, there is also plenty to do in Normandy.
After the invasion in 1944, so much happened, traces of which can be seen all over Normandy. There are therefore many museums about the war and the invasion of the Allies.
The famous beaches Omaha and Utah Beach are about an hour’s drive from Qui Vivra Vera
Beautiful Villages and Towns
Taste the French atmosphere in the nearby villages and towns such as Bayeux, Coutance, Saint Lo, Barneville and Cherbourg.
For the larger excursions, the British islands of Jersey and Geursey are great options.
Amazing Coast
One of the most beautiful sights in Normandy is the beaches. Half an hour away from us you can find beautiful chalk cliffs and beaches.
You can also take a trip to the impressive Omaha Beach or one of the other landing beaches.